26 Oct

The git ropository of the Crazyflie ROS module provides code examples of logging the connection. The log is stored in ~/.ros/log with a specfic id for each connection. The topic data is obtained by typing in the command: rostopic echo /topic_name The follwing command shows the list of topics: rost...

26 Oct

This Week Writing down documentations Modifying the whole environment Making the environment as a class Next Week Finish intro and installation manual Finish changing the main frame

26 Oct

We implement a premilinary design in UMC 28nm process.

26 Oct

This week progress continues mainly on two fronts: calculation of FOM for both the FollowerStopper and PI with saturation, and implementation of a deep learning model for computation of the characteristic velocity. For the FOM, we are doing more simulations of the FollowerStopper when the command ve...

26 Oct

In the paper of multirobot cooperative localization analysis [1], they discussed two cases: observable and unobservable. The former leads to a stable estimation, while the later does not. In the paper, they uses extensive calculation to delineate their result. However, such outcome can be easily exp...

26 Oct

This past week, while trying to make composite components using the RoCo interface, I discovered some issues. Before the Summer, Jack had started to work on integrating RoCo with Android devices. This works through an Android App that communicates with the Arduino using Serial. To achieve this, he h...

26 Oct

My main progress this week was getting hierarchical composition to finally work again. There were issues in the old robot compiler backend that seemed to have sorted themselves out when we rewrote it. The main issue I had to deal with to get hierarchical composition working again was fixing yaml ser...

26 Oct

First attempts to add cutouts to the interface This week I continued my work with Wenzhong on adding finger joints as a option for creating output with Roco. We made some progress in figuring out how to create our own custom tabs as a method of adding the finger joints, however our current method...

26 Oct

This week I was finally able to assemble a paperbot model and bypass the scaling issues. The scaling issues themselves have not been solved but by measuring the paperbot that was previously made I was able to scale the printout manually on Silhouette Studio. I was also able to get my old component...

25 Oct

Last week, the SCP actuators were assembled into mechanical logic frame and tested. There are some challenges still needed to be solved to get the mechanical logic function. The first main issue is the contact betweeen SCP actuator and conductive tab. A much more reliable method should be proposed....