Currently working on the first step of a simulation for Tsang-Kai's SLAM project. A simulation will help verify landmark accuracy among other things beyond what can be demostrated using datasets. Ultimately we would like the simulation to look like the below figure [1] . The simulation setup...
This week, the research question that we are trying to explore is what is the impact of weight distribution on performance. The theoretical analysis is as follows: One of the impact is that weight distribution will change the line of action of the force, and also will change the cross-section-are...
The micro-UAV flight control problem has been addressed by many researchers. Good open-source flight controllers including those based on the popular PX4/Ardupilot platform are also readily available. We decided to try to control our blimp with Mini-Pix, a flight controller born out of the PX4/Ardup...
This week, I finished reformulating the 2D case in the dot product notation and using the lagrangian approach. After converting dot products to the equivalent trigonometric representation, we get the same answer as our previous paper. This is exciting. It means that our approach has potential to wor...
High-Level Review (Previous Post) Entire project (Please note: this flow chart is constantly being updated) Current project (Please note: this flow chart is constantly being updated) Sub-project (Please note: this flow chart is constantly being updated) Current Project: Computation...
Code: jupyternotebook Sample of result(on single object, multiple objects with different color also work):
Last week, I setup a system to verify the mapping between thrust and voltage. The experiment setup as follows: Materials:digital scale, 3D printed stand, motors, propellers, NodeMCU 8266, breadboard, Dupont wire, motor driver A schematic diagram of measuring thrust generated by motor propelle...
I followed the following tutorials to get a crazyflie quadcopter set up and tested:
I had a Crazyflie assemble and tested in the lab: At firs, it was really hard to manual control and I made it died for lots of times: After lots of practise, I can finally manually control carzyflie quadrotor in a good way: Some observation and learning from this experiment: It was...
This quarter, we have more students joining our group. Now we have some new members: Lei Zhao, Yifei Chen, Hongyi Li, Pehuen. And old team members: Parth, Ethan. The old gitlab link is here We now post everything on public github: Our week...