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07 Mar

For Week 10 of Winter 2022, our team worked on the following: A new blimp design which is bigger than before – can hold 330g. A new capturing mechanism that can easily catch and let go of the green ball. A new search or go back to ball/goal algorithm that executes when the ball/goal is lost d...

06 Feb

For Week 5 of Winter 2022, our team worked on the following: A new ML green ball detection algorithm (See Zhaoliang’s blog) A modularized blimp code where everything is not fused into one .py file. This will be easier to use whenever there are changes to be made. An easy way of finding the c...

31 Aug

To conclude SURP 2021, we are tasked to do a presentation and poster regarding what we have done for the past 9 weeks of SURP. To see my presentation and poster, go to this google drive. To see the Origami Feedback Controlled Cars repository, go here. In this repo, you will see the guides...

31 Aug

For SURP 2021’s Week 9, I worked on the pivoting car. It is a car that has a hinge in the middle. On its hinge is a SG90 servo that rotates the half of the car to a certain direction. Below is a photo of the pivoting car. During this week, Jaehoon Song (LEMUR Arnhold) also managed to generate/di...

14 Aug

During SURP 2021’s week 8, Shahrul Kamil bin Hassan (Team Arnhold), Bhavik Joshi (Team Arnhold), Marisa Duran (Team Arnhold), and I integrated the three epics in the Arnhold project which are Mesh Networking, Vision Processing, and Feedback Controlled Cars. The integration can be seen below. A...

14 Aug

During SURP 2021’s week 8, Bhavik Joshi (Team Arnhold), Marisa Duran (Team Arnhold), and I managed to integrate the vision processing and feedback controlled cars epic. Using Marisa’s OpenMV code and my code for controlling the cars, we were able to put an OpenMV camera in one of my four-wheeled o...

14 Aug

During SURP 2021’s Week 7, Bhavik Joshi (Team Arnhold) and I were able to create a swarm of car robots using his Mesh Networking code and my cars. The cars were controlled by a single joystick through Sudarshian Seshadri’s (Team Arnhold) React-app dash. A gif of the car swarm is attached below. ...

06 Aug

For SURP 2021’s Week 6, I incorporated IMU and Lidar sensors to the car with a tank-drive system. Currently, the Lidar acts as an obstacle detection at the front of the car wherein it would stop when it detects an object less than 130mm. For the IMU, it only shows the yaw values in degrees using the...

29 Jul

For SURP 2021’s Week 5, I created a car in roco and equipped with a steering system. Last week, I made one that has a tank-drive system. Tank-drive system: Controlled using a Webpage -- Forward, Backward, Left, and Right buttons Steering system: Controlled using Sudarshan Seshadri's Dash (Rea...

19 Jul

For the 4th week of SURP, I managed to produce the cars (with the help of my fellow Arnhold teammate Grace) that I built using the roco library. I had to make several adjustments to the size of the cars and the locations of the holes or decorations on its surface. **Note that on the pic below (right...