04 Mar

This week, we conducted lots of flying test under Opti-track system. Here we showed one example of vertical flying test. After data has been processed: position plot: velocity plot:

25 Feb

The crazyflie test setup is shown in the figure: Fly test on crazyflie: I found some bugs on this design and I'm trying to fix that right now.

23 Feb

This week, I sucessfully used Ansys fluent software to get the CFD analysis of specified saucer-shape balloon as shown in the following figures.

19 Feb

It took me quite amount of time to finish calculating the drag coefficient of this example(plane) in analysis fluent. Drag coefficient calculation: Fluid relative velocity plot:

10 Feb

Yifei optimized algorithm as well as code this week and test it on our collected data, Under complicated environment with reflection and disturbance from other objects, the major part of green balls were found with contours as well as centers.

09 Feb

Previously, in the balloon shape design prelab. We discussed about the relationship between different balloon envelope with different shape after inflation. This week, we did a case study on case 1. We measure the dimension before inflation and after inflation. We also tested its buoyancy. Th...

09 Feb

Measure drag coefficient aerodynamics plays a very important role in measuring the performance of blimp. We know drag equation: \[ F_D = \frac{1}{2}C_d\rho A v^2\] where, \(F_D\) is the drag force, \(\rho\) is the density of the fluid, \(A\) is the cross sectional area \(v\...

03 Feb

This week, we are collecting some green ball data using the cellphone camera and esp32 cam. We've collected three different sets of photos with different resolution: (1) Cellphone camera, resolution: 3264 * 2448 (2) esp32-cam, resolution: 1280 * 1024 (3) esp32-cam, resolution: 800 * 600...

03 Feb

The design parameters space: The performance evaluation system and performance:

02 Feb

This week, I've tested the different relationship between voltage -thrust with different motor + propeller combination. The different motor+propeller combination is shown as follows: (1) Propeller forward turning vs. Propeller reverse turning (2) Propeller forward turning vs. Propeller rev...