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In CoLo, there are two options for communication in CoLo-AT: real-world data or simulated data. Users will use the Communication Controller (C-C) to define a communication scheme and output the index for the sender and the index for the sender at the time step. For real-world data. the Dataset Manager (DM) will provide the needed dataline [timestamp, sender index, RSSI, LQI] to the translation module (TL) to output whether the message is sent through or not. For the simulated data, the Simulated Communication Module (SC) will provide the same output as the Translation Module (TL) to output whether the message is sent through or not, given the settings and the groundtruths (actual locations) of the sender and receiver.

Communication Controller(C-C)

  • Input: [Optional]
  • Output: sender index, receiver index

Simulated Communication(SC)

  • Input: sender index and its groundtruth, receiver index and its groundtruth
  • Output: whether the message is sent through (i.e whether receiver get the message)


  • Input: communication dataline [timestamp, sender index, RSSI, LQI]
  • Output: whether the message send through (i.e whether receiver get the message)


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