07 Apr

I just installed Ubuntu on one of the lab computers. The Kinect detector now works on Linux and can detect depth information.

01 Mar

Over the past week we have been trying to send the position data to the vision package running on a virtual machine. However, we have found out that the Kinect detector fails to send the json file via ZMQ.The problem might be that ZMQ binds to the wrong network socket.

01 Feb

I found this link on the Bitcraze website: https://www.bitcraze.io/2016/05/position-control-moved-into-the-firmware/#comments It explains the basic layout of Crazyflie architecture. Using Kinect, ZMQ sends the location to the Python client.

28 Nov

We have spent the past month working with Kinect. We have tried a variaty of methods: https://wiki.bitcraze.io/doc:crazyflie:vision:setup The problem we encountered is that when building the Windows Detector Package, Visual Studio reports that zmq.h is missing even though the ZMQ folder is added t...

09 Nov

This week we have been trying to use Kinect to obtain the position of a Crazyflie. So far, we have found three well-documented methods to do so: Autopilot with Crazyflie Client This is by far the easiest methods and only requires a version of the client that supports Kinect. However, we had issu...

26 Oct

The git ropository of the Crazyflie ROS module provides code examples of logging the connection. The log is stored in ~/.ros/log with a specfic id for each connection. The topic data is obtained by typing in the command: rostopic echo /topic_name The follwing command shows the list of topics: rost...