The Robot Operating System(ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools for building robotic applications. The ROS platform is a unified and well-documented framework for development with different kinds of robots. In the case of our project, ROS is chosen for modification of Crazyflie 2.0's controller. From the past weeks, we have been successfully interfacing ROS with Crazyflie 2.0. Tasks like Reading real-time on-board sensor data and controlling Crazyflie using Xbox360 controller are available after installing ROS and relevant packages.
Here are video demos for our successful interfacing:
Flying Test
Sensor Data Visualization
First step is to correctly install ROS on your machine(Ubuntu for our case). Instucrtion can be found [here](), which is a step by step instruction for installing the Kinetic version of ROS.
The next step is to install the ROS Crazyflie Package, Github Link. This package contains functions such as reading from on-board sensor and several example scripts to help understanding this package. Commands for installing the package has been documented in section 3.4 of the paper Flying Multiple UAVs Using ROSBy Wolfgang H¨onig and Nora Ayanian.
Here are some additional helpful links for interfacing ROS with Crazyflie 2.0:
hector_quadrotor packages for ROS Kinetic
How to get your XBox 360 Wireless Controller working under your Linux box

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