There are two python files need to be modified or create :
- Modify Function/ #estimation algorithm class used by robot class
- Create Function/algo_EKF/ #you own algo class in the correct format
the algorithm need to be matched with robot class(centralized or distributive)
In Function/
- import algo_EKF.your_own_algo
- in def init(self, algo_name):
add the following in the if-self statement:
elif algo_name == **your_own_algo**:
self.est_algo = algo_EKF.your_own_algo(algo_name)
Create your own algorithm python inside Function/algo_EKF (Function/algo_EKF/
def rot_mtx(theta):
return matrix([[cos(theta), -sin(theta)], [sin(theta), cos(theta)]])
class your_algo():
def __init__(self, algo_name):
self.algo_name = algo_name
def state_veriance_init(self, num_robots):
return sigma_s #retrun right staring state_veriance for the robot
def algo_update(self, robot_data, update_type, sensor_data):
#return [s, orinetations, sigma_s]
[s, orinetations, sigma_s, index] = robot_data
[measurement_data, sensor_covariance] = sensor_data
if update_type == 'propagation update':
return self.propagation_update(s, orinetations, sigma_s, measurement_data, sensor_covariance, index)
elif update_type == 'landmark observation update':
return self.absolute_obser_update(s, orinetations, sigma_s, measurement_data, sensor_covariance, index)
elif update_type == 'relative observation update':
return self.relative_obser_update(s, orinetations, sigma_s, measurement_data, sensor_covariance, index)
print "invalid update"
def propagation_update(self, s, orinetations, sigma_s, input_data, sigma_odo, index):
return [s, orinetations, sigma_s]
def absolute_obser_update(self, s, orinetations, sigma_s, input_data, sigma_ob, index):
return [s, orinetations, sigma_s]
def relative_obser_update(self, s, orinetations, sigma_s, input_data, sigma_ob, index):
return [s, orinetations, sigma_s]