I'm still testing the property of different motor + propellers combination. Right now, since I also got the requirement from the AR blimp, I'll add one more test on to my previous experiments.

The current experiment setup:

So the properties of motor + propellers that I will cover in my experiments are:

(1) Voltage and thrust relationship after more motors has been turn on.

For example, the voltage for single motor will decrease after more motors got turn on, which means the single thrust will decrease. So we would like to know how many percentage will decrease.

(2) The power consumption of different motor + propellers combination.

The power consumption will determine how long can our blimp last in the air and also

(3) The RPM, thrust and efficiency relationship.

The RPM can be tested by a new equipment. Thrust has been tested before. And efficiency = thrust/power consumption.

This is the requirement I got from AR blimp project, I got some ideas from this blog post.

Basically, the basic property that motor + propeller experiment will test:

  • Voltage (V)

  • Current (A)

  • Throttle input (%)

  • Motor load or torque (Nm)

  • Speed (RPM)

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