FORAY - Blimp can recognize and move toward a green ball using color detection
Zhaoliang Zheng forayDemo: Blimp can recognize and move toward a green ball using color detection(the current blimp setup)
- Blimp is capable of seeking the ball by rotating itself
- Blimp is capable of moving toward an identified green ball
- Blimp is trying to capture the green ball using the capture basket
Under some conditions, it can catch the green ball:
- Detection range:
- Right now the maximum range of using color detection algorithm is about 3.7 meters, it's not good enough.
- We can improve it by tunning the parameters of color detection bounding box
- We need to improve its detection range by using machine learning algorithm
- Vertical capability:
- The vertical motion capability is too weak now, cannot follow the green ball very well
- We will make a new design that has 2 motors for the vertical movement
- Camera:
- The camera is now attached to the gondola, so it will miss the target sometimes
- We need to move the camera to the nose of the blimp and we think it will help in capturing the green balloon