Unit cells were presented last week in the form of a table. As previoulsly described, auxetic cells can be repeated and connected to one another to form repeating patterns which can then be actuated to form different kinds of curved surfaces. The goal of this week was to make use of the unit cells and try to design repeated patterns and compare their auxetic behaviour against one another.

The following are all repeated patterns which are composed of different types of repeating unit cells.

Chiral_Hexagon: chiral_hexagon

Chiral Square: chiral_square

Hexa Chiral: hexa-chiral

Tetra-Chiral: tetra-chiral

Some of these repeated cell arrangments were discussed in the paper An Abaqus plugin for evaluation of the Auxetic structure performance. The Abaqus plugin described in this paper was not explored, but would be a future place of direction for people looking dive deep into auxetics. Rather, the idea of repeating patterns was used in for the arrangments of repeating unit cells.

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