The script that does auto routing by given a single drawing file with arbitrary shape has been completed besides some clean up work. Moving to Approach A (import to eletrical design software and use existing auto-router) from this week.
Finish up path-finding approach (Approach B)
Only draw the best path on
when solution is found for every route. -
The terminal will print current episode and how well such solution is performing.
algorithm for multi-node path finding
for (episode in E):
set initial state s (choose first pair of nodes to connect randomly)
find a path
update map
while not every connection is built:
choose next connection
find a path
update map
retrieve cost (length of path)
update Q (as sum of all cost)
Q here represents total cost of certain choice of path finding order.
Cost defined by length of path
If path cannot be found, cost 1000
Input: NX2X2 array specifies desired pin connections
Auto-routing learning process: