11 Aug

Yesterday, I successfully integrated the camera with the dashboard (and the ESP32 featherboard). In the video demo below, I have the featherboard calling functions on the openMV camera, asking it to detect an apriltag and return rotation information (x, y, and z euler angles from the apriltags). The...

05 Aug

In the past few days, I have been working on integrating the visual processing work I have been doing with the work the rest of the Arnhold team has done so far. AprilTags will be integral to our demonstration next week, so I have been trying to determine the ideal resolution where the most area on...

11 Jul

This past week, I worked on camera recognition using the openMV camera. This included recognition of different colored blobs, as well as recognition of April tags. To test the camera's April tag recognition, I put April tags on the wall and tested the distance that the April tags could be detecte...

02 Jul

This past week, I have been working on setting up the camera hardware for the visual processing that I will be working on. I started by setting up the ESP32 Cam, which uses the Arduino IDE. There is an example for ESP camera boards that can be used to set up a video stream on a web server, which is...

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