Fix one bug... Two more pop up...

In getting the electronics HDL IDE set up on a new machine, it threw a bunch of errors because sbt was compiling to a newer Java bytecode version than supported by the IntelliJ Java runtime. The fixes tried previously didn't work (perhaps as a result of technology marching on - our code was pegged at IntelliJ 2019).

So obviously, it's time to update. And surprisingly, a config change was all that was needed to build (at least for IntelliJ 2021.3.3, IntelliJ 2022.1 was just broken for unknown reasons). After fixing a few deprecations (which made everything nicer), all seemed to work, until...


It looks like there was an IntelliJ change that prohibits slow operations (like certain types of code analyses) on the main UI loop, since this can freeze up the UI. And after another round of fixes, no more console spam of slow-operations-prohibited error messages. Hooray.

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