There are two things I would like to demonstrate:

  1. We can rapidly complete iterative design, for a device that failed initially.

  2. We can predict failure ahead of time.

There are more things I would like to show:


A. Our design tool can be used on different materials
  1. Isotropic material, such as plastic and glass

  2. Anisotropic material, such as plywood (orthotropic)

B. Our design tool can be used on different complex boundary conditions, different loading modes
C. There are different failures
  1. Too much stress causing material to fail (break)

  2. Too much deflection causing system to malfunction / not pass industrial standard.

D. Our design tool is suitable for different objects/applications

e.g. Origami 'toy' & furniture


1. Origami gripper, isotropic material C-F-F-F-C-C, too much deflection, rapid iterative design

I am still thinking about how to improve this last graph.

2. Furniture glass table, isotropic material, C-F-C-F-C-F-C-F, too much stress causing break, predict ahead of time

3. Furniture bookshelf, anisotropic material (plywood), 3 different BCs (C-C-C-F, S-F-S-F, C-F-C-F-F-F), predict ahead of time
  1. Using 3 mm thick plywood as shelf: (1) too much deflection, surpass industry standard (max deflection = L/144 = 4mm) //C-C-C-F//; (2) Too heavy, can not hold weight, shelf slide, malfunction //S-F-S-F//

  2. Using 6 mm thick plywood as shelf: all good

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