06 May

"LOGiCS is a project funded by the DARPA program on Symbiotic Design of Cyber-Physical Systems. The aim of the project is to develop design tools and techniques that augment human designers with an AI co-designer towards achieving significant improvements in design productivity as well as design 'su...

06 May

Delta-Tolling in Grid-Based Multiagent Systems For a single agent, the problem of warehouse navigation can be considered a simplistic path finding problem over a gridworld environment. With multiple agents existing and acting in this environment, however, the problem of coordinating actions over a...

15 Apr

Scaling multi-agent solutions is difficult due to the exponentional growth in state space. To this end we are implementing a local field of view for each agent. Each agents local goal will be determined by running A* over the entire space and finding the last position in the field of view. This fo...

28 Jan

We are working towards a fully decenatralize lifelong path planner for multi-agent path finding. To that end we have built an Open.ai gym environment which can be found here: https://github.com/pehuenmoure/warehouse_rrl. Our environment environment will be used for training our agents and analyzing...

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