I have built the first prototype of a boat with rudder steering.
This video shows the rudder steering in action. We ran the boat four times and obtained these results:
- When the rudder is straight, the boat goes (relatively) straight.
- When the rudder is tilted to the left, the boat veers to the left.
- When the rudder is tilted to the right, the boat still veers to the left. This is not the result we wanted.
- When the rudder is tilted to the right, the boat veers right; this is what we intended.
- When we tilted the rudder back to the left, the boat veered to the left, again.
I also converted the old RoCo boat with servo mount into new RoCo.
I am currently working on implementing the remainder of the paper components into new RoCo (rudder and ESP stack mount, for now).