floating boat with colored-blob tracking capability
Shahrul Kamil bin Hassan (Kamil) autonomy visual processing boxboat trackingBuilding upon the work that was done last week, the goal this week was to include some sort of motion actuation to demonstrate that a vehicle can track a specific blob of a specific color using the OpenMV camera. However, due to setback in the goal of making a blimp, we decided to proceed with a small box-boat instead. It will imitate the blimp in a way in xy-planar but not the vertical motion. The result can be seen in the video below:
In the video, the boat is tracking and heading towards the green object. Although it is not shown in the video due to hardware limitation, we integrated 2 mesh-dependent capabilities to the vehicle. The first being that we can change the color that we want the vehicle to track and the second being able to alter the general speed of the vehicle. Note that since the current controller is a linearly-proportional controller, the system can get unstable as we increase the speed (i.e. causing the blimp to rotate too fast when it is seeking). There's also a minimum speed that must be met in order for the boat to move. This will be a different value when we put our system on a blimp.