20 Feb

Here is a video of my EKF-SLAM code performing with 1 landmark. The red line is the EKF estimate while the blue and black lines are dead reckoning and true trajectory. I adopted my code from https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics/blob/master/SLAM/EKFSLAM/ekf_slam.py I hope use my code to l...

23 Jan

This is a screenshot of my EKF-SLAM code as it is right now. The blue line is the EKF estimate while the red line is the true trajectory. I took inspiration from https://github.com/lucarinelli/EKF_localization_python/blob/master/EKF_localization.ipynb and https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobo...

20 Nov

For the past few weeks I have been looking at the EKF-SLAM inconsistency problem. I've compiled what I've found so far into a short literature review linked here . This includes some references for proposed modifications to the EKF-SLAM algorithm. Based on what I've looked at so far, the ways to r...

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