25 Jul

This week I spent a lot of time familiarizing myself with making cutouts in RoCo which was quite difficult compared to creating the components by connecting faces, edges, and tabs. Creating cutouts and knowing how to position them in RoCo is particularly important and relevant to my project because...

19 Jul

For the 4th week of SURP, I managed to produce the cars (with the help of my fellow Arnhold teammate Grace) that I built using the roco library. I had to make several adjustments to the size of the cars and the locations of the holes or decorations on its surface. **Note that on the pic below (right...

12 Jul

For SURP 21’s week 3, I created two vehicle designs using rocolib -- a tank and a simple 4-wheeled car. The builders for these can be seen on the GitLab repository below: https://git.uclalemur.com/jllpntg/rocolib.git The builder for the tank is named TankBuilder.py while the builder for the 4-wh...

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